Pinterest from a girl’s view

My name is Christina and let me tell you a little about myself – I am a student at Georgia Tech, run, work out, cook and craft. Forget the Georgia Tech part and my entire life could be pulled from Pinterest. I use Pinterest to show me new and different workouts, some desserts that will win my way to my guys heart through his stomach and of course CRAFTS. I am a huge DIY girl and will find a huge assortment of ideas from Pinterest. I am also into quotes and I love to follow quote boards and get a little inspiration that way. All in all Pinterest allows me to easily learn new things about what I already love and all I have to do is go to one website as apposed to many different sites. Plus it’s a good time waster in those classes I don’t want to pay attention in.

Check her out!

Her Pinterest

How I use Pinterest

Before I start, I want to admit some things first. I was one of those guys who thought Pinterest was a site just for girls. As a college student, I would always hear girls talking about this art/craft or some cute dress. To me, Pinterest was just another site girls could go to find “girly” things. In fact, when one of my guy friends first got one Pinterest I made fun of him. It wasn’t until a friend of mine accidentally left her laptop on her account that I saw what Pinterest was truly for. My friend has a love for cars and watches( yea I know right!?), but I never really knew where or how she found some of the picture or articles she would send me. Her Pinterest boards were set up so she would get a feed of different car/watch article and pics. So after an hour of complaining I finally set up my own account, and I must admit… I love it! I follow people to get certain content and I have found out so many different things about cars, tech, food, etc… I put a link to my Pinterest if you want to check out what a guy’s version would look like. Plus it helps with my girlfriend because I will post things on a board just for her and she loves it.